Seven Chakra Series 1/7
In Hinduism, seven chakras are energy centers that are located in specific regions in our body. Each chakra has its own healing power, theme color and corresponding earth element.
If the concept of chakra is not familiar to you, just imagine seven chakras as busy intersections in your body. When signals are not working properly, it creates congestions and chaos! The same thing happens to our body and mind when chakra is imbalanced. When all of them are working property and harmonized well, you feel more energetic and empowered.
As the first chakra, the root chakra that is located at the base of spine, plays a big role in our lives. The color is red and the natural element is the earth. It’s all about finding your grounding energy, connections to the earth, and WHO YOU ARE and what you are here to do. When the living environment changes, or you feel financially unstable, this chakra might need to be fixed.
<Healing practice>
The best root chakra healing is meditation. Grounding asanas (e.g. mountain pose, warrior series, down dog, split series, seated pose, and tree pose) and Yin practice are helpful as well. In asanas, feel your feet or hands as extensions of the roots grounded to mother earth.
<Healing Foods>
Red colored fruits and veggies and root veggies: burdocks, turnips, and radishes, etc. Protein rich products. Red spices.
7つのチャクラシリーズ {第一チャクラ - ムラダハラ}